home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; $VER: MailWatch_Install 4.2 (1.8.97)
- ;
- (complete 0)
- (if (= (askchoice (prompt "Which installation method should I use?")
- (help (cat "This installation script supports two types of installation.\n\n"
- "You can install into a single, newly created directory, "
- "or you can start MailWatch every time your Amiga is booted."))
- (choices "Own directory" "Onto SYS:")
- (default 0)
- ) 0)
- (
- (set #DEST_MAIN
- (askdir (prompt "Choose the path where the new drawer 'MailWatch' should be created.")
- (help "In the chosen path, a new drawer named 'MailWatch' will be created, in which MailWatch and its files will be copied.")
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (set #DEST_MAIN (tackon #DEST_MAIN "MailWatch"))
- (set #DEST_DOCS (tackon #DEST_MAIN "docs"))
- (set #DEST_ICONS (tackon #DEST_MAIN "icons"))
- (set #DEST_MODS (tackon #DEST_MAIN "modules"))
- (set @default-dest #DEST_MAIN)
- (makedir #DEST_MAIN
- (help @makedir-help)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- (
- ;
- ; This installs MailWatch etc. across the system disk
- ;
- (set #DEST_MAIN "SYS:WbStartup")
- (set #DEST_PREFS "SYS:Prefs")
- (set #DEST_MODS "LIBS:mwModules")
- (set #DEST_DOCS "HELP:English/MailWatch")
- (set #DEST_ICONS "ENVARC:MailWatch/Icons")
- (set @default-dest #DEST_MAIN)
- )
- )
- (complete 10)
- (copyfiles (prompt "Install the main program, MailWatch?")
- (source "")
- (choices "MailWatch")
- (dest #DEST_MAIN)
- (infos)
- (confirm)
- (help "I guess you want to install this, otherwise you wouldn't be running the install script :)")
- )
- (complete 15)
- (copyfiles (prompt "Install the preferences program, MailWatchPrefs?")
- (source "")
- (choices "MailWatchPrefs")
- (dest #DEST_PREFS)
- (infos)
- (confirm)
- (help "The preferences program is the only supported way of configuring MailWatch's behaviour. I recommend that you install it.")
- )
- (complete 20)
- (message (cat "MailWatchPrefs requires that 'button.gadget' be installed."
- "\n\nIf you have ClassAct installed on your system, DO NOT "
- "install the 'button.gadget' included with this release."
- "\n\nThis script will check for the presence of an installed "
- "ClassAct setup, and will not install the included 'button.gadget'"
- "(which is ©CBM) over the top of it.")
- (help (cat "ClassAct programs will not work properly with the CBM "
- "'button.gadget', but programs expecting to find the "
- "CBM 'button.gadget' will work properly with the ClassAct "
- "version."))
- (all)
- )
- (set #os_ver (getversion))
- (set #os_version (/ #os_ver 65536))
- (if (< #os_version 39)
- (askdir (prompt "AmigaOS 2.x system - where are '#?.gadget' files normally installed?")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "LIBS:Gadgets")
- )
- )
- (set #DEST_CLASSESGADGETS "SYS:Classes/Gadgets/")
- )
- (set #BG_NAME (tackon #DEST_CLASSESGADGETS "button.gadget"))
- (set #bg_ver (getversion #BG_NAME))
- (set #bg_version (/ #bg_ver 65536))
- (if (<> #bg_version 41)
- (
- (set #INSTALL_BG
- (askchoice (prompt "You don't seem to have ClassAct installed on your system. Therefore, you should install the included 'button.gadget'.")
- (help #CHECKCA_HELP)
- (choices "Install CBM 'button.gadget'" "Do not install")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (set #INSTALL_BG 1)
- (message "You seem to have ClassAct installed on your system. Therefore, I will not overwrite the ClassAct 'button.gadget'." (all))
- )
- )
- (if (= #INSTALL_BG 0)
- (copylib (prompt "Installing 'button.gadget'....")
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "classes/gadgets/button.gadget")
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- (copylib (prompt "Installing 'tabs.gadget'....")
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "classes/gadgets/tabs.gadget")
- (confirm)
- )
- (complete 30)
- (copyfiles (prompt "Install the external modules for MailWatch?")
- (source "")
- (choices "modules/")
- (dest #DEST_MODS)
- (confirm)
- (help "You also need to install the external modules that MailWatch uses.")
- )
- (complete 35)
- (set #MWDF_TTYPE
- (askchoice (prompt "Which external GUI module should the program use initially?")
- (help "")
- (choices "appicons.mwdf" "dummy.mwdf" "textreqs.mwdf")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (select #MWDF_TTYPE
- (set #MWDF_STR (tackon #DEST_MODS "appicons.mwdf"))
- (set #MWDF_STR (tackon #DEST_MODS "dummy.mwdf"))
- (set #MWDF_STR (tackon #DEST_MODS "textreqs.mwdf"))
- )
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon #DEST_MAIN "MailWatch"))
- (settooltype "MWDF" #MWDF_STR)
- )
- (complete 37)
- (askbool (prompt "MailWatch stores its preferences, by default, in ENVARC:MailWatch/ and ENV:MailWatch/. Create these directories now?")
- (default 1)
- (help "The preferences program will create these directories if they are needed.")
- )
- )
- (if (= #MAKEPREFDIRS 1)
- (
- (makedir "ENVARC:MailWatch")
- (makedir "ENV:MailWatch")
- )
- )
- (complete 40)
- (copyfiles (prompt "Install the documentation?")
- (source "")
- (choices "docs/")
- (dest #DEST_DOCS)
- (confirm)
- (help "The documentation is in HTML form; you will need a HTML browser to read it.")
- )
- (complete 80)
- (set #MSG_DOICONS "Install the icons?")
- (set #ICONS
- (askchoice (prompt "Which icons do you want to install to be used by MailWatch?")
- (help "There are MagicWB and NewIcons icons provided.\n\nThese are suggestions only; any icons can be used in the program.\n")
- (choices "MagicWB" "NewIcons" "None")
- (default 2)
- )
- )
- (if (= #ICONS 0)
- (copyfiles (prompt #MSG_DOICONS)
- (source "Icons/MagicWB/")
- (dest #DEST_ICONS)
- (pattern "#?")
- )
- )
- (if (= #ICONS 1)
- (copyfiles (prompt #MSG_DOICONS)
- (source "Icons/NewIcons/")
- (dest #DEST_ICONS)
- (pattern "#?")
- )
- )
- (message (cat "\n\n\nYou will need to run MailWatchPrefs, to save a "
- "valid preferences file,\nbefore starting MailWatch. "
- "Look at the documentation for more details.\n\n"
- "Enjoy using MailWatch, and don't forget:\n\n\n"
- "MailWatch is MAILWARE!\n\n")
- (all)
- )
- (complete 100)
- (exit)